Ever since we were knee-high to a grasshopper, most of us have been taught to strive for the American dream. The dream being to work your way up the corporate ladder, pay your dues by working long hours for many years so that when you’re older, you can possibly start to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

To this so called ‘American dream,’ I now say, “Bologna!” My thinking has evolved, and I’m a firm believer in a balanced life of work and play...


Written by lyceum
3666 days ago

Szia as they say in Hungary! ;)

Carol: Thanks for your response. It will take some time to chew on this topic... :)

Written by lyceum
3666 days ago

Carol: When do you know when your hard work is too much?

Have you read 4-hour work week by Tim Ferriss?

Written by Carol_Amato
3666 days ago


Yes, I have that awesome book! :) It's different for each person and there are a lot of variables.

I focus on three high-leverage activities that will push my business forward and outsource some of the other mundane stuff.

I keep Sundays for family and worship and half Saturday for time off and relaxation. Evenings are more and more spent with family as I perfect my system, but it really is individual for each person.

Thanks for your thought-provoking comment! :)

- Carol Amato

Written by adrian1015
3676 days ago

Sometimes you need to take a break from a lots of work and enjoy relaxing vacation to a nicer places.

Written by Carol_Amato
3666 days ago

Hi Adrian,

Absolutely agree! Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. :)

- Carol Amato

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