25 Ways Healthcare Reform Impacts Small Business

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From http://www.youtube.com 5199 days ago
Made Hot by: techfordummies on May 3, 2010 3:23 am
The National Federation of Independent Business has put together this video about concerns raised over the new healthcare reform legislation. The reform remains controversial with small business organizations who insist it will be costly and prevent both growth and creation of new jobs. However, supporters insist many small businesses will be exempt from the healthcare mandate and that it will eventually make healthcare less expensive for all business. What do you think. We'd love to hear from the community on this. Leave your comments below.


Written by zovision
5154 days ago

Thank you for this very valuable post. Kind Regards.

Written by lyceum
5199 days ago

ILForums: Great to hear your perspective. Here in Sweden we have had socialized medicine for a long time. Hopefully it will become more free in the future. The state owned pharmacy monopoly has now been sold out and new players could enter the market. It is great that The National Federation of Independent Business has listed all the new taxes, regulations and red tape. The quote "designed by Washington bureaucrats" is priceless! ;)

Written by ILForums
5199 days ago

Shawn Hessinger, Thank you for this very valuable post. As an international business forum American/Israeli, we are not too worried about the reforms in Israel, but among our American clientele and contacts it is becoming more and more of an issue. Thank you for providing us with your posts which keep us up to date on the situation and how it will affect small business.

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