10 Ways your website is like a hot tub 

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From https://www.hottubcoverscanada.ca 4917 days ago
Made Hot by: clickfire on February 9, 2011 3:21 am
Comparing a website to a hot tub may not be everyone’s instant metaphor, but it’s pretty appropriate. Any website owner who’s been online for a while will appreciate some of the similarities. From SEO to basic maintenance, there really are similarities.


Written by tcamba
4330 days ago

Gotta love this article! =) I consider my comfort room as a sanctuary too since I don't own a bath tub.

Written by LestherTod
4916 days ago

Interesting point of view, very clever.

Thanks for the short, focused and get-to-the-point great article!

Written by sherisaid
4916 days ago

Clever! and spot on :)

Written by jerodkillick
4917 days ago

So agree! There is such thing as a successful blog where the writer comes on once a week or less. You must be tenacious!

Written by crom84
4917 days ago

Lol ... gotta have the snorkel!

Written by yoni67
4917 days ago

Great article David.

Whenever I think of hottubs I think of "Back to School' with Rodney Dangerfield. One of the great comedy lines in History too...

Check it out...



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