23 SEO Sins That Will Land You in Google No Man's Land

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Online Marketing
From http://www.compellingadverts.com 3897 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on November 26, 2013 6:35 pm
A masked man storms a shop brandishing a grenade.

Bystanders and shoppers notice the big G…. MAYBE A member of a GANG… With their eyes down, they quickly move to the door and out onto the street…. A month later he comes back.


Written by lyceum
3892 days ago

Bill Chucks, Thanks for your reply. When you are registering a domain, don't you book both www.domain.com and htt://domain.com in order to help the visitor to find your site?

Written by Carol_Amato
3895 days ago

Yeah, I wondered what was wrong with pinging.... Maybe better check all the URLS in the list to make sure they're still viable good solutions. Thanks for the info. :)

- Carol Amato

Written by billchucks
3893 days ago

Pinging in itself isn't a sin but sharing your content to sites with spam bots would make it easy for these sites to link back to you. Hence when pinging its nice to ping out your content to sites which you are sure of. You are usaually giving the option to select the sites you want to ping to and its the best method

Written by viralwriter
3895 days ago

saw this post on twitter, saw it here on bizsugar too! definitely something is triggering me to check out this article

Written by lyceum
3897 days ago

I don't believe in sins, but it was a good listing of things to avoid regarding SEO. I don't know that a duplicate URL, http://www.website.com and http://website.com could be a problem.

Written by billchucks
3893 days ago

Got that info from an article written on Jeffbullas blog I even shared the link to the site. What its advisable is for you to use one of the sites, alternating is bad

Written by merincafe
3897 days ago

Pinging of Your Content - is a sin? it just a way to tell the bots that this is new URL. ok let me try on this concept. I think we have to minimize the pinging sites, to submit our URL

Written by billchucks
3893 days ago

Merin, I agree with you. it makes it easy for google to index your site. But spam bots also use it as means to drop off comments to your sites that why you should select the sites you ping your url to

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