5 Most Popular Blog Posts That Will Get More Social Shares

Avatar Posted by BenSeow under Online Marketing
From http://seopressor.com 3163 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on December 1, 2015 11:19 am
Here are the top five most popular blog posts ever read and shared by most readers. Learn to write popular blog posts by tackling these top three emotions that most people would love to feel.


Written by companyblogsite
3158 days ago

pretty good.. that was insightful

Written by LoginRadius
3159 days ago

You are right mate :) Social media and content marketing work are indeed dependent on each other and if worked upon in sync, can drive you numerous traffic on your blog. The list of the most popular article category actually strike some sort of emotion in the mind of reader whether it is curiosity or humor or anger and that's why are capable of grabbing reader attention and makes them share it within their social network too.

Written by BenSeow
3159 days ago

Hi Ankur, I've to agree that the only way to get more social shares is to evoke the right kind of emotion with our audience. But I will do it with extra cautious. I would strive for the curiosity and humor kind of approach rather than making them feeling angry or annoyed. ;)

Written by wpbenny
3160 days ago

Thanks for sharing!

Written by BenSeow
3159 days ago

Benny: Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you found this article useful to you.

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