5 Ways to Write Quality Content That is SEO Friendly

Avatar Posted by AbhiZopim under Online Marketing
From http://blog.zopim.com 3902 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on November 20, 2013 5:38 pm
Although Google’s search engine algorithms are shrouded in mystery, they are widely accepted as a barometer for gauging the importance of your content on the internet. As a result, a cottage industry has developed that is focussed on gaming the rankings to receive favourable placement. However more often than not, “black-hat” SEO tactics do not work. What works is creating quality content that is useful to your reader. Here's 5 tips for writing content that is SEO friendly.


Written by Adam_Gottlieb
3901 days ago


I don't practice black hat SEO to start with. Now when I look a google search result, more often than not, I am quite surprised by who get to rank first, for some very competitive keywords.

I do agree, that in the long term, doing things right will get you to the right place. But meanwhile some guys succeed in gaming the ranking...

Written by AbhiZopim
3897 days ago

It's terribly annoying to see your content ranked lower than an obvious spammer. Our content has been plagiarized many times, and sometimes it ranks even higher than ours!

As you say, though, in the long run better content wins.

Written by peter machalski
3901 days ago

Quality content means you need to spend half day making it.

The problem is if you want to create a lot of new website you it can be just to much for the brain.

And if you make a generated text then maybe robots gonna think that site is good but forget that people will read your website or click your adds.

Written by AbhiZopim
3897 days ago

Agreed. Quality content takes time and effort. There's really no alternative!

Written by bigmoneyweb
3902 days ago

I agree with you Bizrock. Its all about creating an interesting and sharable contents. SEO can naturally come when you've done your homework very well and, thats by writing quality contents. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by AbhiZopim
3902 days ago

Great content is most definitely the key.

Thanks for the compliments.

Written by BizRock
3902 days ago

Quality content means creating and sharing valuable free and good content to attract new customers.Nice and useful tips,thank you.

Written by AbhiZopim
3902 days ago

Thanks for the feedback and glad you enjoyed the article. Completely agree with your comments.

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