It’s been over 10 years since I began blogging at Inspire to Thrive. Since then, it has become a business and an inspiration for me.

In that time, I have learned a lot about how to blog successfully and make it pay off for my business.

I want to share some of the lessons I have learned with you so that you can use them to your advantage in your own blogging journey.


Written by lyceum
534 days ago

David: Yes, good old time! ;) I started with blogging on Blogger in 2002. I have to search for the word "WebLog" was first used... ;)

Written by pvariel
535 days ago

Hi Lisa,


Great going

dropped a comment there.

Keep going!

Miles to go....

Written by lyceum
534 days ago

Phil: How long time have you been blogging? Did you see my email? ;)

Written by Inspiretothrive
535 days ago

Thank you Philip, I appreciate that. Yes another decade to go :)

Written by lyceum
535 days ago

Lisa: I think so. Thanks for sharing! :)

Written by amabaie
535 days ago

19 years, I think.

Written by amabaie
535 days ago

@Lyceum Remember how the word "blogging" did not exist back then? And no CMS? It was all hand-coding, essentially an article directory in sequence.

Written by lyceum
535 days ago

Congrats! I have been blogging since 2002. :)

Written by Inspiretothrive
535 days ago

Wow David!

Written by lyceum
535 days ago

Congrats Lisa!

Written by Inspiretothrive
535 days ago

Thank you Martin. Hoping new bloggers can learn from my mistakes there.

Written by amabaie
535 days ago

Congrats on the blogaversary.

Written by Inspiretothrive
535 days ago

Thank you David, how many years is it for you now?

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