The decision to blog shouldn’t be made lightly. Obviously, you need to know who your target audience is and understand what kind of content they want to read. It’s also important to keep SEO in mind and optimize the posts by including keywords naturally in the headline and body of the content. Next, it’s time to figure out how to promote the blog posts. These are the basics, but there are actually a few more important things to consider when you make the decision to blog.

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Written by businessavante
4699 days ago

Interesting coming from an SEO professional, Nick - the traffic school of bloggers swear by strategic commenting for links (and pretty much only for links - one yesterday said they wouldn't leave a comment if they wouldn't get a link in return).

I Do think dated posts are good - they prove authenticity, leaving no room for BS. The reader can then decide for themselves based on better info, which should make the blogger look better in the long run.


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