Are Micro Moments The New Way To Nurture Leads?

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Online Marketing
From 3336 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on June 11, 2015 6:54 am
Google has suggested with that Micro Moments are the next step forward for brands looking to nurture leads. Here's 3 tips to help you be part of the moment.


Written by lyceum
3332 days ago

You are right about that. Talking about saving and sharing micro moments, have you heard about the service, Clammr? It is an audio recording / mixing application for podcasters and others. Each episode of Clammr, could store 18 seconds of audio.

Written by lyceum
3334 days ago

That is good to know! ;) Do you have a favorite small biz micro moment?

Written by Webpresence
3334 days ago

Not a specific favourite Lyceum, no.. every business has different goals and objectives.

Written by lyceum
3334 days ago

I hadn't heard about "micro moments" before. Could you capture micro moments in a micro-blog? ;)

Written by Webpresence
3334 days ago

Hi Lyceum, thanks for the comment.

A Micro Moment is whatever you want it to be, and can be captured on whatever platform you want.. that's the beauty of them!

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