AWeber vs GetResponse – Which Should You Use?

Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Online Marketing
From 4078 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on May 29, 2013 3:32 am
Ask a dozen Internet marketers about which autorepsonder service to use for the best results, and you’ll likely get as many answers. AWeber vs GetResponse: Both have features that can enhance our autoresponder experience, but most of us want to know the best and most cost effective solution to our autoresponder issues. GetResponse is less expensive, but does it perform as well as AWeber?

AWeber vs GetResponse

The facts are that we must choose an autoresponder service that can help us build and maintain our lists. It’s one of the most important choices we make about our businesses. There are other autoresponder services out there, but AWeber and GetResponse are the most popular.

There are some differences, and perhaps the following comparison will help you decide which to use.


Written by lyceum
4073 days ago

Carol Amato: I will not pay you! ;) I am not on the MailChimp's payroll! Thanks for the information. I have been using MailChimp's light service called TinyLetter for my newsletter. I am not an affiliate marketer in the traditional sense, but I am using disclosed affiliate links now and then in my blog posts.

Written by lyceum
4073 days ago

Carol Amato: Why isn't MailChimp useful for affiliate marketers?

Written by Carol_Amato
4073 days ago

They haven't looked favorably on affiliate marketers in the past, and their TOS USED TO say no affiliate marketers allowed, they have since changed this... But I would not use them if you paid me...

Written by lyceum
4073 days ago

How about ConstantContact and MailChimp? Could you compare and contrast these services with Aweber and GetResponse?

Written by Carol_Amato
4073 days ago

Hey there - will keep it in mind for the future, although I don't think MailChimp looks very favorably to affiliate marketers, so dunno about that one...

Take Care,

Carol Amato

Written by HeatherStone
4077 days ago

Great side by side comparison, Carol. This is a tool that is vitally important, especially to many online businesses, so it's critical to choose the solution that works best for you. Thanks for sharing your post with the BizSugar community. I hope there will be many more to come.

Written by HeatherStone
4077 days ago

No problem, Carol. Thanks for contributing to our community!

Written by Carol_Amato
4077 days ago

Thank you, Heather, I appreciate it. - Carol :)

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