Carol's Cut - Best of the Month is a new series Carol Amato started on her blog at She features the best blog post podcasts that month.


Written by adrian1015
3398 days ago

Hi Carol,

It is a nice series and so easy to me to check some great quality articles. I will surely check out the podcast you said. And I enjoyed all you recommend. I really like what you put on your blog, so if you like this content, stands to reason I will too.

Thanks and be good.


Written by Carol_Amato
3398 days ago

Hi, Adrian,

Great news that you like it and think it’s convenient, that’s exactly what I intended you to feel - like high quality content is being served up to you on a silver platter.

I know you’re going to enjoy the articles and the podcast where Barry interviews Justin - it’s really good. Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts, I really appreciate it. :-)

Have a great day.

˜Carol Amato

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