Content is King - Really?

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Online Marketing
From 3931 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on October 24, 2013 12:47 am
Is content really king? No, I don't think so. I used to think that content is king, but not anymore. Read on to learn more why.


Written by partho321
3929 days ago

Content is really a king but it is important where you placed your valuable content so that maximum visitor can be attracted to your website. Good content can increase your conversion rate and it will help generate revenue for your business.If you would like to know anything about content management you can content with FATbit Technical team how should use your valuable content in your website and improve your website conversion rate.

Written by ivanpw
3928 days ago

Exactly. Content is really important (most sites are content-driven!) But we should not neglect that we should have the right quality and quantity of audience to send in leads.

Written by nirmalablog
3929 days ago

Nice post, I commented and shared it on my network. I do agree with your views too. keep writing :)

Written by ivanpw
3928 days ago

Many thanks :)

Written by 27will
3930 days ago

While promoting our blog posts and analyzing SERPs, we have come to a similar conclusion. Building a powerful online reputation is essential in order to be noticed and gain the following and traffic that marketers and bloggers are both after. Really interesting read here, thanks for the perspective.

Written by ivanpw
3929 days ago

Indeed. Well, I write guest posts on a highly reputable site and it's getting 10x more shares that the ones I write for my own blog.

So... yeah.

Written by BizRock
3932 days ago

Awesome article.Thanks for sharing this article with the Bizsugar community.

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