Did you know there are different search engines to use besides Google today to search without tracking and new ways to be found online with these search engines?

In the United States, the biggest search engine went down slightly according to these stats. Within the United States, Google makes up 87.78 percent of the US market share, compared to 91.45 percent worldwide.

However, with last year’s election and websites being banned and canceled many people started using other search engines to do their research.

People no longer wanted to be tracked by the big tech giants.


Written by lyceum
1256 days ago

Lisa: Thanks for the information. Talk soon again!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
1257 days ago

Lisa: Is Brave a search engine too? Or only a browser? I using DuckDuckGo now and then, as you know from my EGO search / surf segment of my podcast, EGO NetCast.

All the Best,


Written by Inspiretothrive
1256 days ago

Hi Martin, Brave is a browser only. I don't see a way to search on it. Many have been using DuckDuckGo this past year as well.

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