Do Web Ads Lack Credibility?

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Online Marketing
From 6125 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 22, 2007 4:10 pm
A new global study of consumers found that the most popular forms of Internet advertising score at the bottom when it comes to consumer trust. Nielsen surveyed consumers in 47 markets about their perceptions of different forms of advertising, both traditional and digital. It found that the older forms of ad messages—appearing in newspapers, magazines and on TV—far outscored the most popular forms of Web ads, search links and banner placements. By Brian Morrissey


Written by dobbie
6125 days ago

Part of the problem is the amount of crap ads out there. Still, I think most people consider a banner ad by Microsoft to be as credible as a TV ad. Then again, it's always possible that someone could create a fake Microsoft ad and place it on a bogus website to lure customers into a scam.

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