Featured Snippets: Everything You Need to Know

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Online Marketing
From https://erikemanuelli.com 809 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on May 11, 2022 10:28 am
Featured snippets are an important part of SEO.

They can increase your website’s visibility and help you attract more traffic.

In this post, we will cover everything you need to know about featured snippets: what they are, why they are important, how to get them, and the best practices to optimize your content for them.


Written by erikemanuelli
807 days ago

Not yet, Martin!

I hope to get it, someday. ;)

Written by lyceum
807 days ago

Erik: Great to hear!

What would you call the box on Google you could get if you have written a book? Is that a kind of snippet?

All the Best,


Written by erikemanuelli
807 days ago

Hi Martin,

good to hear it.

Regarding finding keywords related to podcasts, you can use different methods.

I have a guide that may help you:


Written by lyceum
807 days ago

Erik: Thanks! I will check your guide!

Did you post "end up as" a feature snippet for the question, What is dwell time? ;)

Written by erikemanuelli
809 days ago

You should check some of your ranked keywords, Martin.

Maybe, you already have some. ;)

Written by lyceum
808 days ago

Erik: I will do that and come back to you! I have a question for you regarding my first podcast, EGO NetCast, and moving from Squarespace to a special site service called Podpage. I want to be found for podcasting relating keywords in the future.

Written by erikemanuelli
809 days ago

Do you have some of your website content displayed in a featured snippet on Google?

Written by lyceum
809 days ago

I don't know yet! ;)

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