Google adds AdWords Bid Simulator feature

Avatar Posted by GPorter under Online Marketing
From 5460 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 17, 2009 2:14 pm
If you've always wanted to know what would have happened had you followed a different AdWords bidding strategy, then Google has just the feature for you.


Written by robertbrady
5457 days ago

Like all Google products, don't forget that AdWords revenues pay the bills at Google. I recommend taking their suggestions with a grain of salt.

Written by q4sales
5460 days ago

I love They rock. I always enjoy Helen's posts.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5460 days ago

More good information for the many online entrepreneurs who continue to find Google Adsense a bit of a mystery. There's as much to this as there is to SEO if you choose to look into it deeply, and while some people are now trying to persuade bloggers and Web designers to start trying to sell their own adds, AdSense, despite its shortcomings, remains at least the simplest way to get started with making money off your blog.

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