How to Give Your Website a Health Check

Avatar Posted by swssem under Online Marketing
From 4826 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on May 11, 2011 5:43 pm
Here's how to use Google Webmaster Tools to give your website a regular checkup, keep it running well, and allow Google to index your pages and help people find you.


Written by swssem
4825 days ago

Yoni -

LOL! I appreciate your honesty and good humor. Seriously, the world is passing all of us by -- it's just moving too fast for anyone to keep up with. I think the only thing anyone can do is just focus on the little piece of it that you can effectively get your brain around. As for the rest...well, we can keep reading other people's blogs!



Written by saraib820
4825 days ago

Believe me Cindy,

He's not kidding. I still remember the day when he said to me 'Hotmail is not such a long word, why do they bother abbreviating it?'

Very nice article, regards to Dennis and when can we expect a guest post from him?


Written by yoni67
4826 days ago

Nice job Cindy!

One of these days I will jump on this bandwagon and learn how to use these analytic things. It does scare the **** out of me though. I have never sent a text message in my life if that tells you something. I did also try to partially monetize my blog last week. I cutted and pasted some html text into the blog and...voila! Nothing.

BTW...until four years ago, and I ain't lying, I thought html was an abbreviation for Hotmail. I'm serious!

Oh my, the world is passing me by.



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