Here, you will find sure ways to make your blog famous in 30 days. The reason is simple. If you write great content and have no readers, it is very painful especially if you put a lot of efforts into building your blog and producing the content. Don’t read further if you do not put a lot of effort into researching your posts because you will do more harm to your own brand than good if you get all the visibility.


Written by tiroberts
3436 days ago

Interesting writeup...

Written by TomCrawford
3829 days ago

Full of useful, practical information. These concepts work, but they take a lot of time. Do you work on your blog as a full-time pursuit? Can you give me a estimate of the time invested to achieve your results? Many thanks - Tom

Written by lancecarlson31
3876 days ago

So many useful references are just dropped in our laps thanks to you. Thank you so much I can't use them all but rest assured I will be using some of them.

Thanks Eyram,


Written by lyceum
3883 days ago

Eyram: I will share my results on your blog in the future. Please feel free to ping on Twitter now and then! ;)

Written by QueenMaa
3886 days ago

Hello Eyram,

That was an excellent blog post! I really like how everything was explained so detailed. I do think that consistency is the key as well. I believe that's why many people don't make it it is because they lack consistency. This is definitely an ongoing process. You literally have to do something every single day. I, myself am still working towards getting traffic but I do see some results so it is coming. Thank you for sharing this with us!

Written by bizjesecons
3884 days ago

Consistency is important. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. I hope this post helped you.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3887 days ago

The dream of any blogger or webmaster is to create a very famous and popular blog and, this has been difficult for some people while its very easy for some. I'm sure this will assist a lot of people to make their blogs famous. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by bizjesecons
3884 days ago

That is why I researched and created this post. To help those who are struggling

Written by lyceum
3888 days ago

My blog is not still famous in certain areas, and I have been blogging for 10+ years! ;) I will go through your guide and see what I can pick out.

Written by bizjesecons
3884 days ago

I hope this really helps you. You can share your results with me on my blog. Its easier to reach me there.

Written by tiroberts
3888 days ago

Hi Eyram,

What an extremely useful and comprehensive article you've got here.

The title is eye catching and very ambitious. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it takes a LOT of hard work.

When I relaunched my blog, I managed to generate over 8k visitors in it's first 30 days and nearly 20k visitors in my first 90 days. Those numbers are good but I tell ya' I worked my butt off for it. :)

This guide you put together is a great one and it seems like you really did your research and put the time in to give your readers as much value as possible to help them reach "super blogger" status.

Thanks for taking the time to write this and share it with us. I'm glad to have stumbled across your profile over on BizSugar. This is an awesome post and it def deserves to get more eyeballs on it, so I'll be sure to share it with my social circle and submit it to BizSugar for you.

Hope to see more of you around there soon. :)


P.S. The little girl in your banner picture is beautiful! Is she your daughter?

Written by bizjesecons
3884 days ago

Congratulations on your numbers after you relaunched your blog.

The little girl is one of my favourite church members. I am a young people's pastor...

Will give you a shout when my wife delivers our twins

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