Google Plus marketing is still a fairly new idea to a lot of people.  In the past year it has almost passed every major social media platform as the most popular, except for Facebook, and I feel that it won't be too long before they overtake them as well.


Written by tiroberts
3976 days ago

Great Google+ marketing guide. IT's apparent that Google+ is becoming a leading authority on the online marketing/blogging niche. So it deserve our attention and we need to learn how to effectively and optimally use the platform. Thanks for writing this up and sharing it on


Written by bigmoneyweb
3976 days ago

Google plus is really growing rapidly and just as you said, it might as well overtake Facebook soon if care is not taken. It is also advisable for everyone to start tapping into its potential now because, it can really perform wonders for your business. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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