How To Turn A Failed Business Into Future Success

Avatar Posted by andreabolder under Online Marketing
From 4020 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on July 30, 2013 10:53 am
Today I want to share with you some of my insights on how to deal with turning a failed business into future success...and help you avoid the 95%.


Written by AngelBiz
4015 days ago

As a small business owner if you have not failed you have not tried and if you have not tried you have no hope for future success. So failing is an integral part of success.

Having said that there are few things you need to keep in mind for failure. My advice to all entrepreneurs is this - fail early, fail often, fail small, learn from failure and make failure part of the company culture.

Written by lyceum
4015 days ago

Andrea: I can relate to your post. I am continuing to fall forward... I wrote a piece for Open Forum (AMEX) on this topic in 2009: Five Lessons Learned from my Start-up — And why I’d Do it Again.

Written by tiroberts
4018 days ago

Great piece on success, Andrea. Thanks for sharing it with our community.


Written by BizRock
4018 days ago

To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills.This article is of great help to anyone who wants to succeed in business and build a career.Thanks for this article!

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