Does anyone else wish effective, engaging headlines would just write themselves already? Me too. Here's how to cheat at writing hella-good headlines.


Written by tcamba
4118 days ago

Great headlines are important to let your visitors read the rest of your story. Awesome content without thought-provoking title does not generate traffic. I am usually drawn to controversial, short but catchy titles, too.

Written by KelvinIsAwesome
4117 days ago

Hi, thanks for commenting. Yep, short, attention-grabbing headlines certainly beat the socks off longer headlines without a clear meaning.

Written by HeatherStone
4118 days ago

Hi Kelvin,

Attention grabbing is good, of course, but I think some copywriters can occasionally go a bit over the top in an attempt to sell a post. Remember that when visitors actually read your article, it must actually deliver. Otherwise, they are likely to feel misled. Thanks for sharing your post with the BizSugar community.

Written by KelvinIsAwesome
4117 days ago

Hey Heather,

Yeah, I get tired of the wacky, intentionally-controversial types of headlines. Like, "Why You Suck at Blogging!" or, "Why Failure is a Good Thing!", although I'm sure I've been guilty about trying those out in the past.

Wise words to live by from Heather Stone: your post must actually deliver.

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