When you engage with users on mobile devices, you have a limited period of time to keep their attention, and if you don’t please them, they’ll move onto to somebody that will.


Written by rsmiller510
3873 days ago

Here is some information from Adobe on time spent on mobile devices: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/digital-index/are-mobile-app-users-more-loyal/

But I think it's fair to say that given the drop in PC sales and the corresponding rise in tablet and smartphone sales, that an increasing number of people are interacting with business on some sort of mobile device.

We're already seeing lots of new ways to interact with mobile users.

Written by PMVirtual
3873 days ago

Thanks for the link!

Written by PMVirtual
3873 days ago

How big percentage is the traffic from mobile devices nowadays? Do you think that we will see specialized apps for site viewing in the future? Could we consume the content in new ways, e.g translating the text into audio?

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