Images have to be used well both contextually for the user and for SEO. Let us see some cases where text is a better option for a web page.

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Written by HeatherStone
4645 days ago

Hi Susan,

We've been keywording photos and videos for quite some time. Video, including the content uploaded to YouTube, should always be titled and tagged with keywords in mind. As is the case with keywords in your blog posts, it's important not to overdo this. So select keywords and titles related to your topic but not just the same old two or three keywords over and over again.

Written by smpayton
4645 days ago

I said this on the post, but wanted to start dialogue. Do you put in text for images? I'm so lazy about this. Do you use keywords that relate to the post, or do you describe the image?

Written by ivanwalsh
4644 days ago

We do but Keep the % low and use different variations. Saying that I think Social Media is beginning to crush organic Search so keywords etc are becoming less important.

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