Increase Your Google Traffic With Fewer Blog Posts

Avatar Posted by LeslieGilmour under Online Marketing
From 3307 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on July 10, 2015 2:34 am
Too many blog posts are written on small business websites.

During the last two years I have been encouraging my clients to write less, but more in depth.

Then, teaching how to promote those same blog posts. So far the results are excellent.

It is working this year, I know next might be different...


Written by LeslieGilmour
3305 days ago

Thanks @LoginRadius, I think you hit the nail, as they say, by mentioning efficiently - I see that as the main problem for a lot of my clients.

@Lyceum you're welcome.

Written by LoginRadius
3305 days ago

Great article Leslie :) Blogging is an art and if done efficiently, can drive huge traffic to your website. From writing detailed informative post to distributing it on various sites, all these steps help in making your blogging go noticed. Keep writing :)

Written by lyceum
3305 days ago

Leslie: Thanks for mentioning BizSugar!

"General business aggregators include:

Reddit – search for your area here


Keep on writing! ;)

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