Is Great Content Enough For Good SEO?

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From 3556 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on November 10, 2014 6:05 pm
Last week’s Whiteboard Friday from Moz co-founder and blogger Rand Fishkin posed an interesting question: “Is it possible to have good SEO simply by having great content?” I thought this was an excellent topic for conversation as it seems to me that many sites tend to focus on one or the other and don’t really take that holistic approach to digital marketing that I quite often bang on about.


Written by siennaamelia1
3486 days ago

The content is King; Links are queen. So, quality content can bring quality links by naturally.

Written by Navneet03
3545 days ago

No, I have seen some great articles going down unnoticed, so it is safe to assume that Seo does play a great role in content promotion.

Written by harrygreens
3545 days ago

No...But a great content is must for a good seo...



Written by johnfaust
3545 days ago

Absolutely not. Website success will depends on up to 200 seo factors

Written by lyceum
3545 days ago

"Absolutely not" regarding to what?

Written by lyceum
3546 days ago

Could you mention a site that you think has great content and thereby is optimized for the search engines? Do you create content for the robots or for the human beings? ;)

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