Here at WHSR, we’ve often studied just what it is that makes for an excellent blog post. Surprisingly, it is easy to define what makes for an excellent blog post and also easy to define what makes for a lousy one.
Jerry Low’s article “Good to Great: How to Make a Good Blog Post Great” offers some insightful tips. He points out there in June of 2014, there were over 42.5 million blog posts on (that doesn’t include all the other blogs that either run on another platform or on private servers). It can be tough to stand out from the crowd, but one way you can do so is to make your blog posts truly great, or to go back and edit old posts into greatness.
He points to the tried and true elements we know, such as creating a strong headline, good page segmentation and call to action, but he also hits on some other points you may not have considered.