We all know the serious consequences that can happen when we try to text and drive a car simultaneously. The outcome may not be as dramatic, but recent research is proving that multi-tasking can drastically slow down your progress and even hinder your ability to think logically.
Until recently, multi-tasking was seen as more of a skill than a problem, but it’s now being viewed as a dangerous activity which can reduce your performance and might even have the effect of damaging your brain.
Multi-Tasking Can Slow You Down
Posted by Carol_Amato under Online MarketingFrom http://www.carolamato.com 3434 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 17, 2015 3:35 pm
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3434 days ago
I will say this is true. I used to be a multi-tasking person before and every time I finished working I feel really tired and my head hurts a lot. Sometimes while doing it I got a lot of error and mistakes.
Thanks for this.
Roman provers is so true.
3434 days ago
I'm exactly the same way - I used to be proud of my multi-tasking efforts. Now, if I'm exercising, it helps the time to pass if I listen to a podcast, but other than that, it's a difficult thing when I'm trying to achieve something and finish it. LOL
Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. :-) I really appreciate it. Hope you Have a great week, Adrian. Talk to you soon.
Take Care,
- Carol :-)