Nine Social Bookmarking Spammers

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 4685 days ago
Made Hot by: SEORabbit on November 4, 2011 4:09 am
If you plan to promote your website through social bookmarking, here on BizSugar or anywhere else, this is a great, real-life tutorial on how not to do it.


Written by ivanwalsh
4683 days ago

Technically, it’s not spamming but companies who make it VERY DIFFICULT to get off their email lists as spammers in disguise. It also begs the question why the force to you receive their offerings?


Written by CoachNotesBlog
4684 days ago

Hi Amabaie,

It's hilarious! My favorite two of your designations are probably .... (Left that in the comment over on the article.)

Appreciate the laugh!

Written by HeatherStone
4684 days ago

Spam is, unfortunately, a reality with social sites and a reality faced by everyone who uses them or maintains them. Also unfortunately, David, as a moderator here at BizSugar, I'm familiar with all of the above and more. Thanks for the post

Written by amabaie
4684 days ago

And you guys do an amazing job of keeping BizSugar spam-free.

Written by ronika
4685 days ago

I suppose you have to find some humour in it. Even though I use Disqus on my site, I find myself deleting comment spam (some of which make absolutely no sense even from an SEO perspective!). Thanks for the laugh, David.

Written by Ileane
4685 days ago

Ronika, I'm glad you mentioned that, someone asked me earlier today about getting spam on Disqus and I had no clue how to respond. They're everywhere....

Thanks David!

Written by amabaie
4685 days ago

Blog spam can be just as bad.

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