This post is a look at some smart business highs and lows of 2012, and more smart things to look forward to in your business for 2013. A nice mix of blogposts, videos, do's and don'ts, my favourite being the last one!


Written by HeatherStone
4199 days ago


I love this list. I think successful entrepreneurs should always be looking at their business models and their businesses over all as a constantly evolving thing. As the world changes, so do markets and new opportunities will always be presenting themselves.

Written by elainerogers
4196 days ago

Thank you Heather - great points!

I am pleased you enjoyed the post :)

Written by lyceum
4200 days ago

Elaine: I will +1 and bookmark this post and go through point by point. Thanks for sharing your review of 2012 and outlook for 2013.

Written by elainerogers
4199 days ago

Thank you Martin,

Not all of them will be of interest, but some of them are amazing - it's good to keep an eye on the not-so-obvious sites and major things happening around the world - the little victories all add up - I hope you enjoy them :)

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