The Ultimate Guide to Small Business Branding

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Online Marketing
From 1662 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on January 12, 2020 12:27 pm

Adidas has three stirpes
Coca-cola is red
and Apple Thinks Different.

It looks like common knowledge but this wouldn’t be the case if it weren’t for branding.

And branding should be left to the big boys, right?

Not really.

Branding is more than logos, colours, and taglines.
But most importantly, branding is not only for the big corps.

Here’s everything you need to know about small business branding!


Written by Inspiretothrive
1662 days ago

I like how you ask how would your brand be if it were human? I think making our personalities shine through our brands help small businesses.

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