Here's how one business in a B2B niche market increased their blog readership and developed relationships with customers and influential industry leaders.


Written by tiroberts
3746 days ago

Leadership isn't just about being first. Leader is someone who is sharing their own unique perspective

Written by macswomen
3950 days ago

Awesome article, Ti! It always boils down to offering quality, informative contents that can be of value to your readers. And of course, I agree, once you're done publishing your blog post, you need to get it OUT THERE - post it on Facebook, G+, blast it out..

Thanks for sharing,


Written by BizRock
3952 days ago

Leadership isn't just about being first. Leader is someone who is sharing their own unique perspective. I like this three steps to becoming a thought leader in your industry.Thank you for this article!

Written by tiroberts
3952 days ago

Awesome case study, Louise.

I think that the two most important components of being seen as a sought leader in a particular industry is to create content that over delivers on value and then leverage that content to build connections and get noticed.

Those are the two main things I focused on when I relaunched my blog last year to gain exposure, build my brand and credibility.

Effective networking is truly the cornerstone of any successful business, offline or online. Making sure that your content is properly positioned for optimal exposure has a lot to do with WHO you know.

I LOVE the "Market your marketing" concept. This is exactly what I did as well to gain exposure. I fed off of the viral nature of case studies and created a lot of really detailed traffic case studies in which I would exhibit my marketing tactics and engagement efforts. Then I'd follow a similar checklist to, Hahn's, and market my marketing. While at the same time leveraging the relationships I built for extended reach.

This did wonders for building my following and attracting the attention of several top leaders in my industry, which resulted in getting additional unsolicited offers for free high profile exposure.

This isn't my first time visiting SME, Louise; however, it is my first time in a long while leaving a comment. I just want to say that I really enjoy SME and the content you all provide. It really has helped grow my blog and business over the years and I appreciate all your efforts.

I'll be sure to share this post with my social circle.

Thanks, again!


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