Top 20 Digital Marketing Blogs to Read in 2020

Avatar Posted by nic0las under Online Marketing
From 1606 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on March 8, 2020 11:52 am
No matter how many rocket emojis we often use, digital marketing is not rocket science.

However, this doesn’t mean that digital marketing doesn’t have its own set of rules which you need to know about and follow.

More than so when these rules change all the time.

Be it a change in Google’s algorithm affecting your SEO, a Facebook update that renders chatbots harder to use or a tool that just came out which can change your content distribution strategy completely, you have to keep up with the changes.

Thankfully, there are many digital marketing blogs out there that do research and write content so you know what’s up.

And these are our favorites!


Written by adeone79
1562 days ago

Hi Nicolas,

These blogs consistently produce useful relevant information in their respective fields of study. No doubt, they're some of the go-to websites in their industry. I read some of them already and follow their advice to help shape my blogging career to the right path.

Thanks, Nicolas, nice list.

Note: I left this comment on the blog but my IP address is blocked. Maybe the comment ended up in your spam folder.

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