Top 5 “Call to Action” Oops That Cost You Sales

Avatar Posted by macswomen under Online Marketing
From 4103 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on July 11, 2013 11:16 am
We talked about sure-fire call to action phrases to improve your conversions. Now we will talk about common mistakes that may have undermined your call to action triggers, and doomed your efforts to convert traffic into something profitable for your business.


Written by QueenMaa
4096 days ago

Fantastic blog post! Everything you said was absolutely true! Having a good call to action is the key to get people to purchase what you are selling. It's something that I myself am trying to perfect! Thanks for sharing this with us!

Written by macswomen
4093 days ago

You're welcome, QueenMaa. Calls to action are absolutely a must-have tool in your marketing toolbox. I truly appreciate your kind words.

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