Topical Authority: How to Rank High In Your Niche [5 Steps]

Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Online Marketing
From 273 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on October 28, 2023 10:43 am
Topical authority can help you rank for every single keyword in your niche.

Does it look like a dream come true?

Well, the truth is, it is possible.

So, what exactly is topical authority and how can you build it?

Let’s dive in.


Written by lyceum
266 days ago

Thanks Erik! Talk soon!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
268 days ago

Thanks Erik. It is up, but I have not published a post for some time... ;) I will invest more time on the site during the end of this year.

All the Best,


Written by erikemanuelli
268 days ago

Good luck with that, Martin. ;)

Written by lyceum
269 days ago

Erik: Good to hear! I want to cover the following: new media, business philosophy, and the good life (including tea). :)

All the Best,


Written by erikemanuelli
268 days ago

Hi Martin, good luck with it! ;)

Also, I'd like to see it, once it's live.

Written by lyceum
270 days ago

Erik: Thanks for your response! What do you think the main topic could be for my "last" site? ;)

Written by erikemanuelli
270 days ago

"Tea, and everything you need to know about it"... :)

Written by erikemanuelli
272 days ago

Are you focusing on building topical authority on your website?

Written by erikemanuelli
271 days ago

It's your main topic. The one that you want to be recognized for when people talk about you.

Written by lyceum
272 days ago

Erik: Maybe I should?! ;) What would my topical authority be, do you think?

All the Best,


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