Content Marketing is a vital component of visibility — also driving revenue, customer retention, and brand affinity — when it performs as intended.

So, speaking of intentions, how do you:

- Conjure up relevant, appealing content ideas that hold the potential to go viral?
- Ensure all pieces of content reach your target audience?
- Gain targeted traffic, leads and sales as a result of this content?

Here are 3 overarching, ROI-focused methods to hack your ‘boring business’ Content Marketing strategy!

Don’t think outside the box. Know you are never bound by a box.


Written by lyceum
2166 days ago

Erik: Good to hear! ;)

Written by Sam-Hurley
2167 days ago

Thanks a bunch for sharing these content hacks, Erik! :D

Keep rocking,


Written by erikemanuelli
2167 days ago

The title rocks as well as the content, Sam. Kudos! :)

Written by lyceum
2167 days ago

The title of the post caught my attention! ;) It is time for a wake-up call call for plenty of the content creators out there in cyberspace! ;)

Written by erikemanuelli
2167 days ago

Me too, Martin! :)

Written by Sam-Hurley
2167 days ago

Then my work here is done, my friend! :D

I was hoping the title did it justice ... #BOOM!

Thanks for reading & sharing your positive feedback,


Written by ravichahar
2167 days ago

Hi Erik,

It's an informative piece of the content.

Thanks for sharing.

Written by Sam-Hurley
2167 days ago

So glad you enjoyed it, Ravi! :))


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