How ANY business online can use local SEO for website traffic... even with no "local" offline presence. See why it's smart, and get how-to and first steps.


Written by ExcellentPrez
4302 days ago

Hi Lyceum.

Yes, local SEO also works for international businesses. The key is simply to target your immediate region -- or to choose a not-so-immediate region to target -- as opposed to attempting to target an entire country or locale.

For instance, a small business in London might begin with "Westminster florists" as opposed to "London florists," but they certainly wouldn't normally target "florists in England," as that's too large a region to be effective.

Note: I know nothing about England or its regions, so please forgive if the above was a silly targeting example.

Sorry for the delay in my response. I do wish this site automatically subscribed authors to their article comments. Or if there's an option for that, I haven't run across it. :)

-Harmony M.

Written by lyceum
4302 days ago

Harmony: Thanks for your response. Do you have any special tools for doing local SEO searches?

Written by lyceum
4309 days ago

Harmony Major: Does the local SEO work on an international basis?

Written by ExcellentPrez
4296 days ago

Oh, jeepers. I am sucking so totally bad at responding in a timely manner. Sorry. ;(

I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Determining the top sites/directories we submit each client site to? If so, a combination of Google (really), Alexa, and a PR checker (


Written by ExcellentPrez
4309 days ago

Thank you again, Shawn. ;) I appreciate your post on my own blog on this article... and you're absolutely right.

Take care.


Written by ShawnHessinger
4309 days ago


Really solid post on a topic I'm betting plenty of online business owners and a fair number of brick and mortar business operators never seem to think about. Location is important, not just because of the emphasis on doing business locally but also because of the growing prevalence of local search. Thanks!

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