Have you been asking yourself this common blogging question:

What blog platform should I use for my new blog? Wordpress, Typepad, Blogger?

Watch this short video for Scott Fox's answer to help you make the best choice for your e-business blogging needs.

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Written by ShawnHessinger
5198 days ago

We've used all three of these formats, Scott, and though I'm with you in preferring TypePad, my partner, who is more of a "techie," swears WordPress gives her more versatility. I think the real difference between the two formats comes down to a trade-off between ease of use and customization. As our business moves toward development of online properties, I suspect we will likely do more with WordPress because of the need to have ever greater control over every shade in the pallet, so to speak. However, for an easy pro solution that combines hosting, decent support and easy to use software, TypePad can't be beat.

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