Why Facebook Fans May Just Be Useless

Avatar Posted by MattKostanecki under Online Marketing
From http://www.imediaconnection.com 4692 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on October 30, 2011 12:18 am
What's in a fan? To understand the true value of a fan, we need to consider their context, their behavior and the resulting data generated for marketers.


Written by bigmoneyweb
4688 days ago

I think facebook fans may not be useless to others because it depends on how you engage with them. the most effective ways to get your fans respond or got to know you is to interact with them, ask questions, etc.


Written by ivanwalsh
4689 days ago

Think it depends on WHO you connect with and what you offer them for engaging.


Written by MattKostanecki
4687 days ago

I agree, not all fans are created equal. Any best practices or examples?

Written by geraldine
4690 days ago

I signed up on Facebook because it's like everyone, pardon my generalization, have it, would want to have it. And the same with Twitter. There's hype. Then there's Google+. I'm not saying that everyone should shift to G+. But recently, I found out that they have active and lively interaction; you get response quick, well at least that's what I see on my circle. I get added into circles. Having FB is like you do it for marketing. If you wanna say something post it in FB. I like plus. Because I interact, in online level, people of different interest; and mostly, I'm in the writers' circle. :)

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