Ever worry about writing smart content that will appeal to intelligent new clients? Here's how to write smart content that sticks with wise readers.


Written by HeatherStone
4006 days ago

Hi Kelvin,

I'd definitely agree with your premise and am especially fascinated by number 3. It occurs to me that some of these can become a bit subjective, however. Wonder if you'd be so kind as to define what "unnecessary content" is? How do we know when we're writing it? It would be great if you could share your insights in the comment section on BizSugar for the benefit of the whole community.

Written by HeatherStone
4000 days ago

Sure does, Kelvin. Thanks. Sent you an email, by the way. Look for it!

Written by KelvinIsAwesome
4001 days ago

Hey Heather!

Absolutely, unnecessary content is subjective, but this is where creativity and personal style enters the equation.

I define it as anything that won't add to the readers' experience, but this is based on my assumption of the readers' habits. So often the writer strips any sort of individual style out of their writing because they're A) afraid to offend someone, or B) afraid to bore someone.

As with my smart-alecky bullet-point number 3, often the most important key to writing smart content is encouraging readers to think for themselves.

Does that make sense?

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