Keyword research is a funny thing. You can gain a lot of knowledge about what words people use when searching on the engines, but it tells very little about what a person wants when they search using a particular keyword or phrase. The intent behind the search is the missing component. But I don't know of any keyword tools that get far enough inside the searcher's heads to know what exactly the searcher's intent is.


Written by ShawnHessinger
5124 days ago

Great post on the difference between what keywords people are using to search and what they are really searching for. A topic rarely covered when discussing online marketing though critically important.

Written by lyceum
5124 days ago

I am working together on a online venture with a guy who has been into keyword research for 10+ years. It is a fascinating area. Have you tested CopyBlogger's Scribe copywriter tool?

Written by franpro
5124 days ago

I agree! Good title, and great post!


Written by smallbiztrends
5124 days ago

Stoney, That is a great title for your article. I wish I could think of titles like that.

- Anita

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