You Might Be A Spammer If You Do This?

Avatar Posted by blogsetupguide under Online Marketing
From 4235 days ago
Made Hot by: Herby on December 28, 2012 8:12 pm
So much spam on the Internet. Find out how people spam on Facebook, Twitter, and emails. Every day I a see people making these mistakes. Don't come off as a spammer.


Written by blogsetupguide
4228 days ago

Yes this post was a longtime coming and I still can't believe how many people use these tactics. Some even respected SEO's or social media guru's teach others these spamming tactics?

Written by GaryShouldis
4228 days ago

My biggest pet peeve is when I follow someone on Twitter and get an auoto-DM telling me to follow them on Facebook or sign up for their newsletter. It's like asking for a second date as soon as you get a yes for the first one. Slow down buddy!

Written by tcamba
4228 days ago

There is nothing wrong with automated posting because it saves time but moderation is key. Sometimes ,I use live postings (I admit it is very taxing and you spend a lot of time ) but the rewards are great because people know that they are engaging with a real person . My target customers are likely to respond or comment . Thank you for sharing !

Written by tiroberts
4228 days ago

Great post, Garen. A lot of people get it wrong when it comes to driving traffic through social media. Like you mentioned, they think that just auto posting links to your status update is going to magically send them thousands of visitors. I think a lot of people that get into internet marketing take it as some kind of game and halfass what is needed to really see success.

I admit, when I first got into IM 7 years ago I didn't do everything right and it took me a lot of trial and error to finally get it together. The thing that you have to remember is that you're building a real business online, just like with any business offline you have to treat it with respect and put in the effort to build relationships and grow your brand. It takes time and you have to be willing to be diligent in your efforts. Thanks for sharing your insights on this topic. Good stuff!


Written by Herby
4228 days ago

I like this post, Specially the part about Facebook Spam and liking every post. thanks for sharing.

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