The title of this post is a bit of a silly pun.  I run, which is a social bookmarking website just for Canadians, and a lot of online businesses are


Written by amabaie
4907 days ago

Ileane, the answer is "Yes".

Written by keepupweb
4907 days ago

Nice article David. I had not heard of Zoomit, OldDogg or MMO. Thanks for the tips. (I am not in Canada but I have a couple of clients who are and I'll pass this on to them.)

Written by amabaie
4907 days ago

Yes, please.

Written by amabaie
4910 days ago

Just for the record, you don't have to be Canadian to post to Zoomit - but the content has to be Canadian. If ever you write a post that uses an example from Canada. Just like you don't have to be an entrepreneur to post to BizSugar, but the article has to be about business.

But you are both welcome to visit Canada at any time and you'll be treated as a Canadian (better, actually).


Written by Ileane
4908 days ago

David, can I submit articles written by others from Canada? For example Brian (Blog Engage) has a blog with some great content - not sure if he's a member already.

Written by yoni67
4910 days ago


I found it:

I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.

May I post on Zoomit now???


Written by saraib820
4910 days ago

Great post David,

Can one convert to Canadianism or be granted temporary citizenship to use Zoomit?


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