Everyone is after a good deal. If you know what motivates your service provider, you will be in a good position to get a discount off the normal rates. This post explains 9 ways the investment in your copywriting services can be reduced.


Written by ajayjoya
5283 days ago

Really nice to learn bargaining..... :)

Written by tobrother
5286 days ago

Bargaining is compulsory, because payer and receiver has their different individual need...

Written by globalcopywrite
5283 days ago

I'm not sure bargaining is compulsory. The service provider, first and foremost, must provide value. If the service is priced correctly, there won't be a question from the buyer about price.

My point in writing this article, however, is that there are circumstances where I'm going to lower my prices. Of course, the savvy buyer, armed with this information, will be able to drive a bargain.

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comment on this post.

Written by globalcopywrite
5289 days ago

Thanks, Yonatan. Pricing can be a tricky issue but, in my experience, sometimes giving a client a break pays off in the long run.

Written by yoni67
5290 days ago

Sarah, excellent, highly-insightful article!

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