This makes me think of Albert Einstein’s famous quote: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.”

Yet we do this all the time. We do the same things over and over and then wonder why we’re not getting better results on our website, and why things aren’t improving.

Well, we need to take different actions if we expect to have different results.


Written by adrian1015
3502 days ago

Hi Carol,

We do need changes and I definitely need different results. I message this to thank you for your sharing. I don not like fake people who talk on a video where they showing different that they saying. It is weird.

Thanks. Merry Christmas


Written by Carol_Amato
3502 days ago

Hi, Adrian -

I think recognizing the need for change is good. We should always be propelling forward to achieve our goals, and if we don't achieve them, then we change what we're doing so as to get different results.

Yes - it is unnerving when people talk one way on a marketing video - so differently than they talk in person- can't stand that.

Merry Christmas to you, Adrian and thanks very much for stopping by.

Talk to you soon.


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