What would you do when you need resources or reference for something you have to do or write? How do you manage the references you need for your job when you have to use them in order to do something?
I have a long collection of references (selected and collected after 23+ years of work in IT sector) I use for my work and still with all the tools provided by modern technology (like the Chrome add-on application called Holmes which help you to search within) your bookmarks had trouble to select the best ones for the occasions at hand.
This is the reason I developed #The.Business.Toolkit Package [Standard Edition]. I originally develop it as a file to help me filter many resources I found of value all over the web. The file grows up to cover my current interests and topics I need resources for and updated by the respected bookmarks to help readers to incorporate them into their daily browser activities.
#The.Business.Toolkit Package [Standard Edition] - Takis Athanassiou
Posted by tathan under Products and ServicesFrom http://takisathanassiou.com 3064 days ago
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