Popular Mechanics mailed a bunch of sensors on an epic journey to find out which shipping company is the most careful with your packages. Here's what they found.


Written by smallbiztrends
4958 days ago

Duncan, that's so funny. Reminds me of a video by a comedian about the famous "United Breaks Guitars" video that came out a year or two ago about the baggage handlers breaking a musician's expensive guitar. The comedian said jestingly that everyone knew that the baggage handlers were frustrated shot-putters from the Olympics.

Somehow the image of frustrated shot putters is so apt when it comes to baggage handlers. [GRIN]

Written by businessavante
4958 days ago

You may be amused to know that when I worked in shipping & receiving from '90-'92, the joked-about "test" was that you had to be able to throw the package against a wall as hard as you could & have the product still be intact, or it wasn't "sufficiently packed" - and this included sensitive digital electronics. i.e., According to the shippers, it was our fault if we didn't pack it heavily enough.


Written by amabaie
4958 days ago

Oh...I thought that was how airport baggage handlers tested luggage?

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