Changing the Mindset of a Generation of Entrepreneurs!

Avatar Posted by johnfaust under Public Relations
From 4179 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on February 23, 2013 10:45 am
Chris estimated that less than 30% of his listeners during BlogWorld Conference and BusinessBlueprint meeting have their own virtual assistants of different type and skills set.

He wonder why other entrepreneurs do not have at least one general virtual assistant that will do simple task like online research, managing social media, updating company blogs, reporting traffics, scheduling appointments, cleaning up emails and answering inquiries. These are considered as routine tasks that add up to entrepreneur’s busy time.

Because of these he setup a goal to educate and change the attitude of the entrepreneurs about identifying task and delegating routine task to their offshore assistant either general administrative staff or tech savvy remote staff life web developer and content writers.


Written by zubinkutar
4171 days ago

Its true ..Entrepreneurship is a mind set

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