Do Your Employees Understand Your Company Message?

Avatar Posted by BChignell under Public Relations
From 3773 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on March 30, 2014 2:02 pm
Most companies will undergo a re-branding or re-positioning at some point.
In an ever changing world, where the client is becoming more and more demanding, and presented (bombarded) with an endless torrent of advertising from companies vying for their custom, businesses need to adapt and adjust to the market.
Many spend large sums on new advertising campaigns, logos and strap lines, but forget about one, extremely important and effective resource, its employees.


Written by BChignell
3770 days ago

Thanks for your comments, both very true observations.

Written by BizRock
3773 days ago

When employees learn more about company and when relationships are valued in an organization, it means that company is very successful.

Written by bloggerpalooza
3773 days ago

Relationships between company and employees can be made strong if the mission and vision of the company is absorbed by the employees. Keep on posting.

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