Publicized slander can destroy a brand, regardless of truth. How Toyota went down on a wave of ridiculous hysteria, with zombie infection parallels.


Written by yoni67
4913 days ago


This is a must-read...just about the neatest blog graphic I have ever seen in my life!!!


Written by sherisaid
4913 days ago

Isn't it? It really boils the concept down to its essence in easy-to-understand terms. I've written a lot of articles about controlling personal brand for job-seekers and small business owners, but I can't imagine explaining how rumors can destroy your credibility more clearly than this.

Written by businessavante
4913 days ago

Slander has to be intentional - the perpetrator has to know the statement is false in the 1st place, and say it with intent to damage the victim. Truth is the ultimate defense to slander - i.e. if the negative statement is true, it's not slanderous. If one IS slandered, they must show how it "damaged" them (financially).


Written by sherisaid
4913 days ago

I would have chosen a different word, but I think the tabloid tactics adopted by many news shows today probably should be considered slander. Is it really a manufacturer defect if the car mat gets jammed under the accelerator? That happens in my Ford Escape all the time. I fix it before I start driving because I'm a responsible person. I don't think Ford should lose half their business because fabric has a tendency to bunch. I think news stations SHOULD be held responsible for reporting inflammatory and untrue statements that lead to loss of revenue.

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