How do you know your business idea is worth investing in? Investors look for three things: whether your business has or can get massive reach, what your business' USP would be and how capital efficient it will be. This blog answers the first question and lets you know what methods you can adopt to ensure your business reaches a massive (millions) audience.


Written by jeremi23
4236 days ago

I think it depend on the business you are in. If you want to build the next social network, yes, you need to reach millions.

But for most business that's not needed. For B2B or local businesses, or other niche, it's more about finding the right users and interacting with them, so they get interested in your products. Trying to reach millions is probably the best way to go bankrupt, better try to find the correct ones.

Written by lyceum
4239 days ago

Urooj: Yes, I recommed the book. Check out for more information.

Written by lyceum
4239 days ago

I have favorited this entry for rereading material. Urooj Kazi: Do you always have an "massive audience" in order to succeed? Have your read the $100 Startup book by Chris Guillebeau? He is describing the business ingredients in an interesting way.

Written by UroojKazi
4239 days ago

Thanks Martin! I follow Chris on twitter. Would you recommend his book? I'll check it out for sure.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4239 days ago

Well written and very insightful. In analyzing your business ideas you must be able to pass them through a test to determine if they truly are valid opportunities. All of your ideas must have a demonstrated need, ready market, and ability to provide a solid return on investment. Thanks for sharing.

Written by UroojKazi
4239 days ago

Thanks Valentine! That's a powerful comment you make - I am tweeting it.

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